Keiki Fest 2015

The 16th Annual Waimea Healthy Keiki Fest was great! Hundreds of keiki showed up at Parker Ranch Center to partake in activities geared toward health, fitness, safety and the environment.


Gina Tumasone and Chelsea LaFrance from WHMC along with Katie Woods and Melony Tavares, not pictured, attended Waimea Healthy Keiki Fest on April 18.



Keiki worked as teams as well as individually to put together our giant puzzle!


Join us for the 2015 Hawai’i Island Visitor Industry Charity Walk

chairty walkThe West Hawaii Mediation Center is pleased to announce its participation in the 37th Annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk at The Fairmont Orchid on Saturday, May 9th 2015. Our participation will help raise money for the WHMC as well as other non-profits and charities on the island of Hawai’i.


Each participant gives a $35 donation and may gain additional donations by obtaining sponsors. We would like to also have an aid station providing water and snacks along the course. We would love all of you to participate in either walking or in the aid station booth.

Please contact Gina at 885-5525 or for more information.

Peer Mediation Encourage Classmates to Talk it Out

To view the article in the March 2015 issue of Kohala Mountain News, click here.


Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Some people seek to avoid or withdraw from conflict, taking a more passive approach, while others confront conflict head on, sometimes with verbal or physical aggression. Students in North Kohala are learning to address conflict in a proactive, positive way through peer mediation. Peer mediation is both a program and a process where two or more students involved in a dispute (disputants) meet in a private, safe, and confidential setting to work out problems with the assistance of two trained student mediators. West Hawaii Mediation Center, located in Waimea, is the organization that provides the training and support to get these programs up and running in West and North Hawaii schools. All three Kohala schools offer peer mediation to their students.

Read More about Peer Mediation Encourage Classmates to Talk it Out