Every year, Hawai‘i Tourism Authority holds a Visitor Industry Charity Walk to help support local charities and non-profits like ours. Last year over $300,000.00 in funds were raised that were distributed between approximately fifty organizations. This year the walk/run will be located at the beautiful Waikoloa Beach Resort.
We are inviting you to walk with us or be a sponsor for one of our staff members. If you are not sure how this works, here’s a brief explanation.
Each walker donates $35 that goes directly to Visitor Industry Charity Walk funds. You will then be able to participate in the 5k walk/run which will include food & beverage stations along the course. You will also be eligible to partake in the post walk/run activities at the Waikoloa bowl (food, drink, DJ and fun).
The funds raised from all participating groups will be combined and distributed to organizations based on criteria such as, community need and (most importantly) the number of participants walking on behalf of an agency. (We will also have a booth along the course!)
Feel free to call or stop by our office if you have further questions or would like to participate!