Restorative Practices Workshop in Waimea 8/22
August 22, 2017
8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Mana Christian Ohana – Waimea
Free to the public

Restorative Practice is an approach that schools can use to improve school climate and reduce discipline disparities. It focuses on building relationships and creating community in school to prevent harm. This one-day session will provide an overview of restorative justice principles and theory, restorative practices in schools, implementation guidance and a review of resources.
This one-day workshop is open to anyone who works with children and youth, including school administrators, school board members, teachers, educational aides, school resource officers, transportation staff, school facilities staff, student support staff, school volunteers, family members and community partners. Please note that morning refreshments and lunch will not be provided. You are encouraged to bring your own beverages and snacks.
Registration required.
For more information, please contact Sandra Taosaka at: 937-2327 or email: