WHMC background

Basic Mediation Training

Mediation is a highly successful voluntary dispute resolution process where disputing parties are able to work through conflict via productive conversations with the help of trained, neutral, third-party co-mediators. Agreements are reached through effective communication, negotiation, compromise and exploration of options. Mediation is confidential. The West Hawai’i Mediation Center mediates almost any kind of dispute. Both parties need to agree to participate. 

Next Training: Early 2025. Dates TBD

Training Fee: $200.00. Includes materials.

About Our Training

This training focuses on facilitative mediation. The mediator’s role is to guide parties through the mediation process, helping them identify and explore solutions to their own problems. The training is appropriate for any individual who wishes to develop better personal or professional conflict resolution skills, as well as for those who plan to become trained volunteer mediators with WHMC.

This training is interactive. Participants are provided with numerous “hands-on” opportunities to practice facilitative mediation skills in small group role play situations with coaches who give instant feedback and direction.

Topics Covered in the Mediation Training Include:

  •   Understanding Conflict, Conflict Styles and the Cycle of Conflict
  •   The Facilitative Style of Mediation
  •   The Mediation Process: Stages of Mediation
  •   Preparing for Clients and Developing Trust
  •   Active Listening Skills and Reframing Toxic Language
  •   Managing Threats to the Process and Power Imbalances
  •   Creating Options/Negotiation/Building an Agreement
  •   Writing Agreements
  •   The Role of Bias & Culture in Mediation
  •   Emotional Intelligence as needed for Mediation
  •   Ethics in Mediation
  •   Online Mediation – Basic Guidelines, Benefits and Challenges
  •   Mentor Coaching in Mediation Roleplay Sessions
  •   Dispute Resolution Program Act and Regulations

Q&A with the Trainer, Kate

Will there be breaks during the training?

Yes! There will be 5-minute breaks most hours, and a 30-minute break for lunch during the in-person sessions.

What kind of technology do I need to participate?

For Zoom days, you’ll need a computer with a microphone and camera, and you’ll need high speed internet. To enter the training, you will be given a Zoom link.

I’d love to run a practice test with you individually before the day of the training just to make sure your internet, camera and audio are working well. Just email me and we’ll set up a time. ksims@whmediation.org 

What is the format of the class?

My teaching philosophy is that we learn through doing; our sessions will be spent with you participating in activities, practices and reflections. I’ll send you some warm-ups to prepare at home so that once we’re together, we’ll move right into the skill building exercises. I want everyone to feel safe trying things out, making mistakes, asking questions, getting and giving feedback, gaining some mastery, sharing, and growing. We’ll have fun!

Do I need to attend all sessions?

Yes, to complete the 24-hour training, you will need to attend all sessions (in-person and online) and complete tasks outside of class that will prepare you for the activities we will be doing together.